
Work on Spacemacs


Install Soure Code Pro

wget https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro/archive/2.030R-ro/1.050R-it.tar.gz

tar xvf 1.050R-it.tar.gz

sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/opentype
sudo cp -r source-code-pro-2.030R-ro-1.050R-it/OTF/* /usr/share/fonts/opentype

sudo fc-cache -f -v

Install Spacemacs

git clone -b develop https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs ~/.emacs.d

Add China Mirror: emacs-china.org

Basic Configuration


  • themes-megapack


Edit Python

Edit python with virtual environment by Spacemacs.

  1. Create a virtual environment:
    virtualenv -p python3 venv
  2. Install pre-requisite package in the virtual environment:
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install anaconda-mode
  3. When we edit python with virtual environment by Spacemacs, we muste activate the virtual environment in Spacemacs, run following shortcut key could choose the virtual environment directory:
    • M-x - pyvenv activate
    • , V a
    • SPC m V a
  4. Yapf for Emacs
    Yapfify uses yapf to format a Python buffer. It can be called explicitly on a certain buffer, but more conveniently, a minor-mode ‘yapf-mode’ is provided that turns on automatically running YAPF on a buffer before saving. Run following shortcut key:
    • M-x - yapfift-buffer
    • , =
    • SPC m =